Housing Options For People With Disabilities Under The NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was designed with the purpose of offering more options to people with disabilities by connecting them with personal support packages based on their individual needs and goals.

 While this sounds great in theory, some are worried about whether or not the NDIS will be able to achieve this goal within its budget and time frame. In order to help everyone understand what the NDIS housing Melbourne will offer, here’s everything you need to know about housing options under the NDIS.


What is the NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funded scheme that provides support to people living with a permanent and significant disability. 

The NDIS provides services such as personal care, respite care, home modifications, assistive technology and more. It also helps people who are transitioning from hospital into their community. What types of housing do they provide?: The NDIS provides three main types of housing – supported accommodation, shared equity housing or outright purchase.


Who is Eligible for the NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a new way of funding disability services. It is designed to provide more flexibility and choice to people with disabilities, their families and carers by providing a single point of contact to coordinate their supports. 

NDIS housing Melbourne

To be eligible for the NDIS, you need to have an assessed disability that impacts your daily living, health or safety and this has been diagnosed by a qualified medical professional.

How much does it cost?: One of the great things about the scheme is that participants pay no more than they can afford to pay towards their accommodation costs while they participate in any other scheme operated by an approved provider of accommodation services.

How to Choose the Right Housing Option

The first question to ask yourself is: How independent am I? When you answer this question, you will have a better idea of what type of NDIS housing Melbourne option would suit you best.

 If you are completely dependent on others for your needs, then having someone live in your home and provide care may be the best option. Alternatively, if you are living with family or friends and need some assistance to remain in your current living situation, then maybe some respite care would be beneficial. 

It is important to take into consideration how much time you want a caregiver present in your home as well as their level of support. You should also make sure that both parties agree to these terms before moving forward. 

One final thing to consider when choosing your housing option is what level of autonomy you have. Do you prefer a more open space where staff come in and out at various times throughout the day? Or do you like more privacy so they only come when needed?



The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a new way of supporting people with disabilities. For many, this means they will be living independently and accessing support where it's needed. 

There are a number of different housing options available to people who are participating in the scheme. Some may need to rent their own home, while others may live in supported accommodation or have their housing managed by an organisation.


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