How To Achieve Your Dreams With Supported Independent Living?
When you’re living on your own, you have the chance to be independent and self-sufficient. But sometimes life throws us curveballs that can make it hard to maintain our independence as we get older. If your health declines and you need help with daily tasks like cooking or cleaning, supported independent living in Melbourne provides a solution without taking away your independence altogether. Here are some ways supported independent living can help you achieve your dreams: Make a list of your goals and dreams The first step in achieving your dreams is to make a list of your goals and dreams. This can be difficult, but it's important that you do so. It's also important that you make sure your goals are realistic and in line with what you value, what strengths you have, and how much time and money (or other resources) are available for accomplishing them. If possible, write down what success looks like for each goal or dream so that when someone asks "how's it goin...