Support Coordination: Why You Need It and How It Can Help You?
Have you ever felt like you were spread too thin? That no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to get everything done? Maybe it feels like you're always playing catch-up, and you're never quite caught up. You're not alone. Many people feel this way. But there is a solution. It's called support coordination, and it can help take the load off of your shoulders. What is support coordination? Many parents of children with disabilities struggle to find and coordinate the necessary services and supports their children need to thrive. Support coordination melbourne is a service that can help take some of the burden off of parents. Support coordinators are professionals who work with the family, school district, and other service providers to create and manage a coordinated support plan for the child. This can include anything from therapy sessions to transportation to after-school activities. Support coordinators can also help families access available resources ...